Enteral Nutrition
HME Specialists is committed to providing the latest technology and care in enteral nutrition and feeding. This therapy requires personal care and compassionate services to enhance your or your loved one’s nutritional function. We are experts in providing the initial setup and instruction of the feeding pump, delivery of specialized formula, and delivery of reoccurring supplies. We also have a registered dietitian (RD) on staff to review individual patient’s nutritional needs.
Conditions That May Lead Your Doctor To Recommend A Enteral Nutrition Include:
- Gastrointestinal (GI) Dysfunction such as obstructed bowel
- Head and neck cancers that make swallowing difficult or require throat surgery
- Neurological disorders including stroke and paralysis
Organization Resources:
The Oley Foundation www.oley.org
Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation www.feedingtubeawareness.org
The Oral Cancer Foundation www.oralcancerfoundation.org
American Cancer Society www.cancer.org
What is Enteral Nutrition?
Also known as Tube Feeding, Enteral Nutrition, is a system of delivering nutrition directly to your stomach or small intestine. Your doctor might recommend tube feeding if you cannot obtain nutrition by mouth, are unable to swallow safely, or need a nutritional supplement.